PO Box 225 | 311 Franklin Street | Delhi, Iowa 52223
Phone: 563-922-2588 call or text | Email: cityclerk@delhiia.com
Committees & Community
Be Involved
Delhi has a wide array of committees and community involvement opportunities.

Little League
American Legion Post 160
Travis Niehaus - Commander
The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.
GFWC- General Federation of Women's Clubs
Donna Flint
Seeking new members:
GFWC/IOWA is proud to be a member of one of the largest and oldest volunteer women's organizations in the world - General Federation of Women's Clubs. We are mothers and daughters, business and community leaders of diverse interests, talents, and backgrounds - all united by a dedication to a community improvement through volunteer service. Although there is a great diversity in ages, interests, areas of expertise and experience of GFWC/Iowa club member, all are united by a dedication to implement charitable, educational and service programs in the state of Iowa - Taken from http://iowafedwomens.qwestoffice.net/36601.html
Legion Hall and Venue

For Rental Information:
Call Marian at 563-920-2602
Great Venue For:
Wedding Receptions
Craft and Vendor Fairs
Charity Events
Family Reunions
Family Holidays
School Dances
And so much more!
Located at the Delhi City Park
403 2nd St
Full Kitchen
Dance Floor
Tables and Folding Chairs
ADA Accessible Entrance
On Site Parking
Basement meeting room with kitchen
Decorative Lighting
City Park Equipment Nearby
Delhi Thrift Store & Food Pantry

The Delhi Thrift Store and Food Pantry is a volunteer, Not for Profit brought to the community by the Delhi Methodist Church members.
The Food Pantry is available for anyone in need and includes
fresh produce and non perishable items.
Donations accepted include kitchenware and home décor, clothing for all ages, toys and antiques, and more.
All proceeds go back into the
Delhi community.
Thursdays 4 to 7
Fridays 12 to 4
Saturdays 9 to noon
304 Franklin St
Burial Locations
The Delhi Evergreen Cemetery has provided a burial place
for friends and families since 1878. A directory is located
on the north side of the cemetery listing the names of
those who have purchased lots or plots. Each name has
been assigned a location number that can be found on
the map and posted in the directory.
Questions can be directed to the Cemetery Board Officers:
President, Dave Reth 563-379-3699
Secretary, Carol Jebens 563-922-2505
Treasurer, Wendy Holroyd at 563-608-9891